
Since the MOU signing in 2007 Liberia’s Bong co and Maryland Co, as well as, the State of Maryland have set forth goals for the future.  Committees came together to make a lot of goal possible. The Maryland-Liberia Committee created a project for water, sanitation and health field within Liberia. Liberia became the 7th US Sister City/State to be awarded a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This foundation works to pilot projects apart of the Sister Cities International (SCI) program, such as Africa’s urban poverty elimination program, to help address sanitation, health and water issues within these areas. The grant of 115,000 dollars was given to help support the ongoing effort.  This committee, as well as Dr. Joe Isaac and Tom Connolly, have constructed 10 new hand pumps, repaired 10 damaged hand pumps in 19 communities. Also, 3 public toilets have been constructed within the city of Gbargna City.

The same committee also came together with three engineers in order to help improve the construction of roads and bridges within both Counties. Agriculture and Health were not the only main points of this relationship but education and the development became a primary focus. Maryland County High Schools received a lesson plan primary on both Maryland and Liberia as a whole in history. After that, A committee of business, civic and education leaders came together to help strengthen the development of Bong County.