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In late October, 2106, a group of five young human rights attorneys from the St. Petersburg-Leningrad area, were hosted by our committee for eight days. Their first four days were headquartered in Annapolis, where host families shared local Halloween events, the pleasures of Severn River boating, and the experience of early voting with them. They were first oriented to Maryland’s judicial system by Judge Alan Wilner, who knows well the Russian systems through over twenty visits there under the Rule of Law program. During their five days of programs, they sat in “family court” hearings, were briefed by the Attorney General and by legislative staff who presented recent controversial human rights issues, visited an immigration center, learned about the rights of disabled students, toured the Montgomery county detention center and the Central Processing intake center, and heard the point of view of the Chairman of the Baltimore City Council about the Justice Department Report on Baltimore policing——plus much more. During this period they stayed with families in Montgomery county, where they enjoyed friendly hospitality and special gatherings and events, including a blues concert on their final evening. All five delegates expressed great appreciation for the warmth with which they were received and for the broad program to which they were exposed. We believe they left with much greater understanding of the extent of our efforts to provide rights to virtually all groups here in this country, and a greater understanding of US culture. We too learned a great deal from their willingness to discuss their work and personal situations—they were excellent guests and provided an important person to person opportunity to strengthen mutual understanding between our two communities.
Young Russian human ritghts attorneys meet with Judge Alan Wilner, Chmn Ardath Cade and Director of International office Mendy Nitch upon their arrival in Annapolis
Leningrad human rights delegates meet with Baltimore City Council Chairman to discuss policing issue
November visit of Russian human rights attorneys with Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh and his staff to discuss current issues
Russian Open World delegates with Annapolis hosts
Leningrad Metalista musicians sing Russian Christmas songs with Russian students at Baltimore Internatinal Academy -2013